Dear Astrology Enthusiast,
Please join us in the New Year to come to triumphantly raise SFAA’S sails up as the wind is finally beginning to blow again! We want to call every astrology lover near and far to join us this January 12th and 13th to welcome Christeen Skinner back to us to sing the melodies of the planets. Listening to the harmony of the cycles and phases will relax and ease us as we remember that “As Above , So Below”… With Pluto rising in SFAA’S chart, the over 30 year long time organization, will never die. We are now a part of its next transformation and we want and need you to be a part of it! Please pass this message on to everyone you know who would benefit and appreciate this boat leaving shore. Life is quickly passing and we want to sail in luxury and enjoy the ocean liner of astrological understanding.
Please also save the date of Feb 8th and 10th when Brenda Brush will give us her prized insights on the rhythm of 2018’s transits. We look forward to gathering again as a community which will strengthen the strong South Florida Astrological Torch that’s been burning all these years. Happy New Year it’s going to be a great one!