Upcoming: March 7th & 9th
From: Gary Christen
Hi all,
I will be giving a workshop called Event Sequences and Event Ecology and this talk is about Arc Openings. I will be teaching you how to use Difference Sorts and SA tables and you will need to have your own tables in order to play with these ideas after the talk. I introduced these tables into Astrolabe’s software more than thirty years ago and since imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, most of the mainstream software today now produces similar tables. You can find means to generate such tables in WinStar, SolarFire, Nova, Nova ChartWheels and many other programs I am not fully aware of.
However, you may not have access to these software packages, so I arranged for Astrolabe to make a limited form of the tables available on the Internet for your personal use. You can make personalized printouts by simply accessing the web site listed below and creating an account and you can use this account for the foreseeable future. Astrolabe will probably develop portions of this web site for further commercial use, but for now and for you, it is free with no obligation and does a variety of things.
For attendees to get this great free information, just follow these instructions:
Go to http://app.alabe.com and Logon.
To log on, press the LOGIN button, select NEW USER, create and type a user name and create and type a password. You are optionally asked for an email address so we can inform you of changes and updates and will not distribute this information to any third parties.
When you are returned to the main screen, select and press the CHART button. This will take you to the chart input screen and you should fill in your data & select OK. Your horoscope will appear and you will be back on the main page.
In the drop down on the upper left, select DIFFERENCES. The Differences will list and you should print this list.
In the drop down on the upper left, select SOLAR ARC. A lifetime listing of Solar Arc openings will list and you should print this list, as well.
What you are getting is a lifetime listing of Solar Arcs that key into the Difference Sort to show all the timed hits over a lifetime. This is set up for a 45 degree modulus, but in practice any modulus works (22.5, 30, 45, 90, etc.) and show when planets are completed by the Solar Arc. The modulus shows what kind of aspects we are looking for. I prefer the hard series since these make for strong events. I also like strong coffee.
Have fun & see you all soon,
Gary Christen